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Theses on Karl Marx, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault, Heinz Duthel – online lesen bei LitRes

But to go to School on a summer mourn

O, it drives all joys away.

Under a cruel eye outworn

The little ones spend the day

In sighing and dismay.

William Blake

Karl’s Voice

Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt drauf an sie zu verändern.

(The Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.)

(Karl Marx, 1845, Theses on Feuerbach)

The real political task in a society such as ours is to criticize the working of institutions which appear to be both neutral and independent; violence which had always exercised itself obscurely through them will be unmasked, so that we can fight fear.

[Foucault, 1969: Tr 1972 #16, p 171]

Ser ideólogo camarada,

Fazer-nos acredita en nós

Quando ainda cremos em deus.

Ensinar-nos o amanhã

Quando os pés ainda se arrastam em ontem.

Sergio Viera, 1970

(Poesia de Combate, Vol 2, Frelimo, Maputo)

Neither the life of an individual, nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.

[Mills, 1970 #562, p 3]

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