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Discover Entdecke Découvrir Cologne Köln

Discover Entdecke Découvrir Cologne Köln
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Köln ist eine 2.000 Jahre alte, im Westen Deutschlands gelegene Stadt am Rhein und das kulturelle Zentrum seiner Region. Wahrzeichen der Stadt ist der gotische Dom mit seinen beiden Türmen. Er steht in der wiederaufgebauten Altstadt und ist bekannt für seinen Dreikönigsschrein und den Blick über den Rhein. Das nahe gelegene Museum Ludwig zeigt Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, darunter viele Werke Pablo Picassos. Das Römisch-Germanische Museum beherbergt Objekte aus der Römerzeit.
Cologne is the largest city of Germany's most populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fourth most populous city in Germany after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. With slightly over a million inhabitants (1.08 million) within its city boundaries, Cologne is the largest city on the Rhine and also the most populous city both of the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region, which is Germany's largest and one of Europe's major metropolitan areas, and of the Rhineland. Centered on the left bank of the Rhine, Cologne is about 45 kilometres (28 mi) southeast of North Rhine-Westphalia's capital of Düsseldorf and 25 kilometres (16 mi) northwest of Bonn. It is the largest city in the Central Franconian and Ripuarian dialect areas.
The city's Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. There are many institutions of higher education in the city, most notably the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln), one of Europe's oldest and largest universities, the Technical University of Cologne (Technische Hochschule Köln), Germany's largest university of applied sciences, and the German Sport University Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln), Germany's only sport university. Cologne Bonn Airport (Flughafen Köln/Bonn) is Germany's seventh-largest airport and lies in the southeast of the city. The main airport for the Rhine-Ruhr region is Düsseldorf Airport.

By Heinz Duthel

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