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The Social Networks Revolution…

The Social Networks Revolution……..
A world after Wikileaks
How a Single Match Can Ignite a Revolution
The Tor anonymity network
and Twitter or Facebook it…
Arab world protests (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon)
Imagining a new Egypt..
* December 18, 2010: protests in Tunisia start
* December 28, 2010: protests in Algeria start
* January 13-16, 2011: protests in Libya over housing
* January 14, 2011: protests in Jordan start
* January 17, 2011: protests in Mauritania and Oman
* January 18, 2011: major street protests in Yemen start
* January 21, 2011: self-immolation protest in Saudi Arabia
* January 25, 2011: major street protests in Egypt start
How a Single Match Can Ignite a Revolution
"Change is coming, around the World, in some form.."
Who knows what will happen but one thing is for certain – people are fed up.
The Wikirevolution…..
A world after Wikileaks
The Tor anonymity network
Arab world protests (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia)
Imagining a new Egypt.
Angela Merkel: "We have to come to a peaceful dialogue in Egypt because the stability of the country is of extraordinary importance. (For business not human rights?)"

By Heinz Duthel

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