Heinz Duthel’s Philosopher Guide or the “Desert of the Real”
The World Famous Philosophers
Famous Philosophers
David Hume
Rene Descartes
Thales of Miletus
Thomas Aquinas
Saint Bonaventure
Baruch Spinoza
Friedrich Nitzsche
Francis Bacon
Claude Levi-Strauss
John Rawls
Immanuel Kant
Seneca the Younger
John Stuart Mill
Some of the most prominent philosophers of the 20th and 21st centuries are Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jean-Paul Sartre, Claude Levi-Strauss, Albert Camus, Richard Rorty, Noam Chomsky .
Philosophy is said to be the mother of all disciplines. It is the oldest of all disciplines and gave rise to modern science as we know it today as both social and natural sciences have their roots in philosophy. Modern sciences either directly emerged from philosophy or are very closely related to philosophical questions. Understanding philosophy and of course, the way problems are addressed by philosophers is therefore the key to understanding of science as we know it today.
By Heinz Duthel
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